We see social media abound with trend prediction for the new year. Most of these reports are written by human analysts based on what happened in the last year and their own experiences.
We love coffee at AI Palette. So we decided to spot trends using our algorithms to see what trends we can expect in the Singapore coffee in 2019. Here are the 4 trends we predict based on Artificial Intelligence.
Prediction #1: Indonesian Exotic Coffee
Mandheling & Toraja from Indonesia has satisfied the taste buds of coffee lovers for years. Now the coffee connoisseurs are craving for more exotic variants. Wamena Coffee from Papua & Kerinci Jambi coffee from Sumatra both will be in demand because of their distinctive aroma and unique taste.
Prediction #2: Coffee Colours
There was a time when coffee used to be just black or brown, not anymore. Expect colorful drinks in 2019 — Blue, Pink, Yellow, and more to satisfy the Instagram generation with added coffee flavors
Prediction #3: Coffee Blends
Coffee aficionados love tasting single origin coffees because of the different nuances in those coffees like Brazilian coffee offers great mouthfeel whereas Mexican Altura is good for the aftertaste. But if you mix two different single origins you get a complete & balanced drink. Combinations like Sumatra coffee & Kenyan coffee also called East meets West will gain popularity.
Prediction #4: Cold Brew
Cold-brew & its variants like nitro cold brew have been very popular in the last year, expect different types of cold brew like Kyoto coffee and others to gain popularity and keep this Coffee trend growing.
Looks like 2019 is going to be an exciting year for Coffee Lovers.”
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